
Showing posts from 2016

It s time for a Dietary Change

say the Faeries. At least the message is plain and simple :) What to change though? We all know how to eat and drink healthy. However, what is healthy and what is not keeps changing. We are not the same, our bodies are not the same, so what is good for us to eat and drink is not the same either. It is best to consult our bodies. What does it need more or less of? Maybe this is a precaution for the Holiday season too when we tend to disregard the need of our body. When you contemplate what change would be supportive please include what you consume mentally and emotionally since it has a high impact on your physical wellbeing. When in doubt, please ask your Angels for further clarification. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue: Magical Messages from the Fairies

Can "Disruption" be positive?

I say yes to that based on my experiences. However, I agree that it is difficult to feel that way in the middle of it. Disruption shows us the shaky foundations that are just not good enough to build on them. It shows up on our path when we just can't carry on as we used to. We often feel content with our lives as it is. It may not be the one that we dreamed of to say the least but it is familiar (that's the trap!) and change looks strange and unfamiliar. I'm sure we all had exeriences in our lives when everything seemed to turn upside down and we haven't had a clue why. Looking back at the events after the storm has passed, we can see clearer. Often we can say that there was a hidden blessing, a new direction that the disruption brought on our path. Disruption may seem frightening but it isn't a "punishment". It seems to happen to us but it just points at something in our life that can not be continued and brings in a very necessary change. It is impo...

Focus on Service is the Daily Guidance from the Angels

Many say our biggest fear is the fear of our own light and power, our uniqness and what we are capable of. As we temporarily loose sight of that, we may become nervous about what we came here to do. We begin to doubt it, question it, wondering if we are on the right path, are we doing the right thing, is it any good for people? Naturally, we are nervous about what will people think, how are they going to receive what we do. This is when focusing on service itself is helpful. That is when we are in our element , it lights us up. We are never alone, Spirit and the Angels have our back and affirm, that yes, it is for us to do it, they need us to do it. We are good enough - we always were- and they'll walk us through it. In case you need to hear it, Yes Dear, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! You are unique! Nobody else can do what you can do! You have all the support Spirit can gice you! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue: Daily Guidance from the Angels

Be Yourself is the Magical Message from the Fairies

Be Yourself! Do we hear this a lot? Yes we do. Yet, what do we make of it? Who am I if not myself? How do I do that, just to be myself? I believe you may have asked some similar questions yourself. Yourself, your true self that is, is the one that you find when you've finished the peeling job, It is not something you become, it was always there. So what happened to it? We find that situations, similar types of people - usually not pleasant - keep popping up in our lives over and over and again. If we ask "Why me again?" the question doesn't lead anywhere since we keep trying to dig deeper in the same track which is called "pleasing others". We please others because we believe that we are not lovable and good enough That is when life tries to show us that this is a dead-end street and the only way out is "JUST TO BE OURSELVES". Side note:We often think that this is some kind of punishment. It is not! It is our own learning based on our own choices...

Release All Anger snaps the Dragon

AKA Snapdragon I came across many theories about anger. Some say it's fine, we just need to express it properly or suggest that we find an outlet for it or use it as fuel. However, it's not considered a nice emotion so many of us have likely grown up suppressing it as it was not allowed. It is also likely that we don't really know what to do with it. What I found most helpful was to look at it as a fear around our self-worth, something that was not possible at a certain time. There was a period in my life when this energy came up a lot in my clearing work and I didn't understand it as I never considered myself an angry person, on the contrary. I had a lot of physical pain as well and it finally revealed to me that yes, I had a lot of anger concerning various situations but I supressed it at the time. Fast forward a couple years, it helped me to understand that I got to strip down everything that is not my true self. Energetically, this energy is associated wit...

Let Go

say the Fairies and if this message makes you want to growl out loud, know that you are not alone. We say it a lot, hear it a lot, probably we don't really know how to do it or have difficulties to believe that it is enough. It was a priceless experience for me - as long as it took- to realize that it is indeed enough. However, this maybe the most diffcult part. Those experiences were indeed painful and we may hold onto all sorts of beliefs about them or we simply feel shame. So if you'd like to practice letting go anything that no longer serves you, you could try this: sit down for a while and focus on what you want to let go. Then say to SPIRIT that you wish to let it go and imagine yourself letting it go. Does it create any tension? Does it feel easy or difficult? If it creates any tension or it feels difficult ask for more help and wait and try again. SPIRIT and our team of Angels are there for us 24/7 and eager to help. Their plan for us is always better then we can ...

Seven of Summer is calling to make decisions!

We all know that making ANY decision is better than making none at all, how it is the death of action, etc. What we forget is that we live in the age of the Internet and we may choose from not just one or two options but several and often many options look good. So it is perfectly fine that it is not easy to make decisions with so much information at hand, however, we got to make one if we want to move on or accomplish anyting. If we may tend to overanalize a situation we can ask ourselves what is our underlying fear? Are we afraid of failure or making mistakes? Making "the wrong" decision? Are we afraid to loose control over the outcome? I like to think of making "mistakes" as making things differently. If I let go of my expectations of how something has to turn out then the outcome can be anything. If we had never done things differenty, we'd never learn anything and the world would be a very different place without all those inventions that resulted f...

The Daily Guidance from your Angels is Assertiveness

Isn't it one of those buzzwords that everbody uses yet it's real meaning eludes us? Here is a simple enough definition for assertiveness: "Someone who is assertive behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe." That is so liberating, however, even if somebody hasn't got any self-esteem issues we all try to fit in to some extent in many situations.  I believe that sometime in our life we all get to a point when we become just too tired to play games and we shed our disguises and masks and choose to speak our truth. First and foremost we want to be true to ourselves and by principle we are powerful creators choosing our own experiences. You may say, "Oh yeah, here we go again, but how do I do that?" To sum up the above principle, we are not victims. We don't need to please anybody to accept or to love us. The most important thing that we can do for ouselves is to love us and that can be started by saying no to things w...

Archangel Gabriel says

that the BLOCKS are LIFTED. That is good news isn't it? This is the time when we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We leave hardship behind and everything just starts to work out smoothly.  Relax and enjoy it! All love Brigitta     Doreen Virtue: Archangel Gabriel Oracle cards

The Mermaids say it is time for Mother Healing!

I wish we all had a happy childhood, however .... you may fill in  the blank. Many say that it is more difficult to heal childhood issues as we are so vulnerable as children and depend on the love of our parents. We'd do everything for it and if there is anything wrong with them, we believe it is our fault. That is how our psyche survives. We believe that we are wrong so we can hold on to the hope that if we can perfect ourselves, one day it'll all be well. These emotional wounds may be deeply buried and we may not be aware of them. The truth is that we are good and we are lovable and our Mother, our parents, did what they could with what they had at that time. We all do. I often recommend if it is difficult to allow a situation to heal with out Mother, Father or anybody, to try to imagine them as small children. It is easy to see that that small child probably didn't want to grow up to be the adult who they became. If they'd done something wrong it didn't come ...

It is so easy and so difficult

Love and Compassion The world definitely needs more of it, we all do. Love heals. Love is our essence. Love emanating from our heart is our best guide. All our emotional, physical, ect. issues are basically a lack of love. We all know these things and yet sometimes loving can be so difficult and yet it is so easy! Love is essential for us, more than food so try your best to choose love and start it by yourself. It'll make it easier to hold on to compassion for others. For starters you may use Louise L. Hay's list to ponder through. All love Brigitta Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

Are your shoulders wet from crying on?

If this happens a lot, you may need to take a good look at your friendships and relationships that need balancing. Perhaps you feel obliged to give and may have difficulties to receive. The tricky question is how do you create balance? Stop giving is not necessarily the best option as giving is a wonderful feeling and brings joy to both parties. However, if it is diffcult for you to receive or more importantly to give to yourself then your storage is probably empty so you may try to give more hoping that some will come back and if it doesn't turn out that way then you may feel resentful. You can break this circle by starting to give yourself for many reasons. You may fill up your storage so you'd have something to give, it'll bring back the balance since other people can not give you what you don't give to yourself and most of all because it feels good. You are worthy and you are lovable! The very best you can give to others is that you are well and happy. It is jus...

Autumn in Spring???

That is what I thought when I got todays card and to be honest I put it back. I know, I know :) Anyway, the Fairies had it their way because it came up again! That's my lesson I suppose :) It is Autumn in the southern hemisphere so they may enjoy harvesting abundance and remember to take time to enjoy and celebrate a completion and give thanks. It's spring in the northern hemisphere so we are busy seeding and planting what we are going to harvest in the Autumn. However, it is Earth Day and this cards reminds me on caring and tending to our planet and what we want to manifest in our lives. In our own way we can all be caretakers to Earth just as Earth takes care of us. All love Brigitta Magical Messagex from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue

New Beginnigs

This card suggest that we have the strength in us to start new. As if that was so easy ..... However, this reminds me on my late brilliant dachshund Milka choosing her walking strategy. She always knew where she wanted to go and how long. She usually had it her way because I allowed her, who wouldn't, but sometimes she just had to have it my way. She struggled and pulled to a point and then she realized it's shorter to go ahead then to try pulling back and she started to run. Ah, she was such fun :) Anyway, what I mean to say is that pulling ourselves from the ashes is not always easy but maybe it's a shorter way ahead then pulling back. We have it in ourselves what it takes since we wouldn't be here if we didn't, right? So let's rise again! Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves: Flower Therapy Oracle Cards

What better message for today then ALCHEMY

My friend called me today to share with me his experience with Angel Numbers. He got out of his car in a parking lot and the cars around him had the numbers 333, 7777 and two times 888 on their license plates. What a magical spot to be! :) Life may feel a little easier and more fun as you are co-creating with SPIRIT. The Divince always plans something better then you even dream of. Practice your magical powers focusing on what you wish for and leave some room for the Angels so they may assist you! It is a perfect sign before the new Moon on Thursday. Enjoy! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue: Magical Mermaids and Dolphins

Patience grows roses

according to the Hungarian saying, however it is the vibration of the beautiful Begonia that will help you with that. It seems that the perfect outworking and divine timimg is still going on  in the background. You may even use it as an affirmation that "Everything happens in Divine timing". If only we could see what is going in the background but we can hold onto faith and knowing that Spirit has our backs. I can recall many events in my life when I realized that it couldn't have happened any earlier and indeed it occured in perfect timing. Perhaps you could try and remember some of your own and relax.  Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves: Flower Therapy Oracle Cards  

Your desire is within reach

is the message for today from the Fairies. Like the state of nature in the first days of March when the first green shoots have just poked their heads through the still hard soil. So don't be frightened if the winds are still harsh out there, just keep growing! You are not alone! Your growing is watched and taken care of. Soon you'll see that it was worth the wait and to endure. Your efforts are multiplied by the Universe and go through outworking and perfect timing. Everything is heard and taken care of. Hold onto Faith and knowing that it is so! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue: Magical Messages from the Fairies