Seven of Summer is calling to make decisions!

We all know that making ANY decision is better than making none at all, how it is the death of action, etc. What we forget is that we live in the age of the Internet and we may choose from not just one or two options but several and often many options look good. So it is perfectly fine that it is not easy to make decisions with so much information at hand, however, we got to make one if we want to move on or accomplish anyting. If we may tend to overanalize a situation we can ask ourselves what is our underlying fear? Are we afraid of failure or making mistakes? Making "the wrong" decision? Are we afraid to loose control over the outcome? I like to think of making "mistakes" as making things differently. If I let go of my expectations of how something has to turn out then the outcome can be anything. If we had never done things differenty, we'd never learn anything and the world would be a very different place without all those inventions that resulted f...