Can "Disruption" be positive?

I say yes to that based on my experiences. However, I agree that it is difficult to feel that way in the middle of it. Disruption shows us the shaky foundations that are just not good enough to build on them. It shows up on our path when we just can't carry on as we used to. We often feel content with our lives as it is. It may not be the one that we dreamed of to say the least but it is familiar (that's the trap!) and change looks strange and unfamiliar. I'm sure we all had exeriences in our lives when everything seemed to turn upside down and we haven't had a clue why. Looking back at the events after the storm has passed, we can see clearer. Often we can say that there was a hidden blessing, a new direction that the disruption brought on our path. Disruption may seem frightening but it isn't a "punishment". It seems to happen to us but it just points at something in our life that can not be continued and brings in a very necessary change. It is impo...