8 of Swords - The card of self-imprisonment

Hey Everyone, I think we can all relate to the message of this card, feeling stuck, restricted, confused, lost, powerless, helpless, - in short trapped. That doesn't feel good at all. However, the good news is that the trap is false. After all, we can remove the blindfold and kick those swords out of our way, right? What is your story? What is this situation you can't seem to get out of? Spirit is trying to help us to become aware of these patterns and to realize that we are free to free ourselves from them. Perhaps we fear the unknown or dread to start our lives over. This place may feel bad but it is comfortable and familiar. We believed too long that we are not good enough or worthy. Probably, we invested a lot in this pattern and we my fear what are we going to be without it? What is the source of this pattern? Family, ancestors, conditiong of society? Do you live your life by other other people's rules? Probaly they wish us well and happy, however, they are not...