Message in a Bottle

We all long to hear some good news, especially, when everything is so uncertain. We don't yet know how are we going to get out of this. As you can see in the picture, there is a good old telephone in the bottle reminding us to ask Sipirt to give us signs. The signs may show up in any shape, size or form. Keep your eyes, mind and heart open! Love Brigitta “Communication; a sign’ a cledon (the ancient name for a spontaneous oracle delivered innocently by the speaker) pointing the way to your highest good” The Oracle’s Message: “Spirit sends you signs when you ask for them; when you believe you will receive them; and when you allow yourself to become fluent in the language of symbols, oracles, and omens. They may come to you as a bird flying by, a logo on a truck, and a song on the radio. Expect confirmation that you are pointed in the right direction that you are pointed in the right direction. Keep your ears open, for someone might say just the right thing tha...