Listen to Your True Feelings

"Don't let others - YOURSELF - talk you into doing something that you know - FEEL - that is wrong - DOESN'T FEEL GOOD or YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT." ('In capital' addition from me)

The number of times our feelings, hunches proved right in hindssight and we wished we listened to them. (Big sigh :) ) This message encourages us to do that more. It is a true indicator of what we should do. Many say that good decisions never come from fear and usually, when we don't listen to those nagging feelings, there is an underlying fear.

Our true feelings steer us to what is good for us, preferably in the long term. A decision may seem an "easy" one in the short term since it allows us to avoid conflicts but it only makes it longer and harder to get to the inevitable. When our motives come from fears and we try to please others, it means we are dishonest with ourselves as well as with others. That is not kindness even if our argument is that we do not want to hurt the feelings of others. At some point we need to realise that it is not in our power in the first place however hard we try.

There is a little practise that made it easier for me to understand it. When I am in doubt about a situation or a decision I need to make,  I try to imagine, what would I suggest to a person I love if he/she were in a similar situation. This little trick usually puts the situation in a clear perspective.

We may have diffculties listening to our true feelings and acting upon them due to our upbringing and conditioning. Becoming aware of them is a good starting point, we may also release them using various techniques. I heartily recommend to make a conscious choice and affirm that I give myself permission to listen to my true feelings.

As always be patient and kind with yourself and start again if you need to :)

All love

Doreen Virtue Magical Unicorns


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