
Showing posts from February, 2017

You Are Healed - The healing you've prayed for is on its way

I believe that there is no healing in the Universe that I couldn't receive. Even if I practise a modality and I need something else, I know that SPIRIT will find a way to guide me to the healing I need or a doctor or a medication. It is all in SPIRIT and it doesn't matter what helps if it helps. In SPIRITs eye we are all perfect and whole. There was a time when I was residing in the bottom of a deep-deep dark hole and I felt desperate and wondered if this is ever going to heal? Then I heard Spirit whisper reassuringly that "There is enough love in the Universe." Dear Ones, in case its not healed yet, double the dose of love :) You may want to try this little exercise. Calm and centre yourself in your usual way and affirm; "I welcome in more love and light. I am open for more light and healing. I accept the healing." See how does that feel. If you feel any tension or that it is not so, ask Spirit to make you feel at ease, comfortable and safe and help you...

The Ocean calls

I was a grown up when I first saw the sea and it got me.:) I never get tired of watching the endless blue. It's healing power is unique. If you have a chance to visit, please do. If you wish to move there do it. Ask for assistance from Spirit and the Angels, However, there are other you ways to enjoy the ocean. You can watch videos or pictures, meditate or listen to the sounds of the ocean. Choose one and immerse yourseld in The Ocean. Let it heal you, see where it takes you! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Daily Guideance from your Angels

The Vegeterian card by the Fairies suggest

that you need some more gentle food. Easy to digest, full of nutrition and juices. Make it as vegeterian or vegan as it is good for you. The point is that it is fulfilling and light. It will take care of our bodies as well as our energies. It is great fun to commune with Nature and Earth through its produce, especially if it is something you grow for yourself. Eat yourself healthy and higly energized dear ones! All love Brigitta Ps: here is a funny one from Louis CK about what God gave us :) If God Came Back Doreen Virtue Magical Messages from the Fairies

Shower of Abundance

This spring is really starting well, don't you think? The image on this card is beautiful and a very lifelike image as well. That is how Spirit and our team of Angels wish to shower us with everything we wish and always better than that. I know that it is very often not what we experience. The most common thing I find that is in the way is our self-esteem,- confidence, - love, - appreciation issues. We don't believe that we are  worthy. Work with your guidance on that and it'll help to sort out abundance issues as a side effect :) The other simplest tool Spirit always reminds me to use is gratefulness. You don't need any special skills, or take any courses, read books, unravel secrets, etc and there is always something we can give thanks for. The difference can be felt in just a couple minutes. If you manage to make it and last as a habit you'll always feel content. Dear Ones, open your arms to accept the Shower of Abundace, don't be shy :) All love Br...

Two of Spring - Bright future ahead, partnerships, progress

This message for today couldn't be more appropriate :) I was wondering if a two card would show up for today and it sure did! It is not just any two card but Two of Spring on a 222 day :) Brilliant! The message is so wonderful that I'm just going to copy it. Here it goes. All love Brigitta Two of Spring You’re off to a wonderful start. It’s as if you have the whole world in your hands! Choices about the short-term future now appear, and the most important thing to remember is that it’s safe to take chances. If you had every possible resource at your disposal, what brave new steps would you take? Evaluate the situation, and then move forward quickly. Many more opportunities are on the way. The possibility of forming a partnership with others may present itself. This can be a wonderful  way to move mutual dreams forward as you encourage each other to continue to follow your passions. Just make sure that you’re truly on...

True Love is the message from Guinevere ....

.... which means that Love Is In The Air! Literally :) Love Is In the Air - Strictly Ballrom Oh and if you want to romance up your life a bit, treat yourself to watching the whole film. Soooo, back to the message, True Love. It may be a new one, stirring, just as nature awakes with new life from a long winter sleep. It may be one that you share with your partner and look at your love with fresh eyes and enjoy your intimacy. It may be that you enjoy your life on your own and treat yourself as a beloved. Bring it on :) As Love Actually ...... Is All Around! Love Actually All love Brigitta Ps: a bonus just for the sake of Guinevere :)  Arthur and Gwen from Merlin Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

Banksia heralds a New Beginning

Actually, this is just perfect. isn't it? That is exactly, what trees, plants, flowers do right now. (In the northern hemispehere that is. ) I'm always amazed how new life grows from barren frozen ground or how dead looking trees come alive again. So it is time for us to start something new with fresh hopes, fill in a blank page with fresh creation. Good luck Everyone! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves Flower Therapy Oracle cards

Love .... Compassion

Your true self, your true nature, your essence is love. You can give so much of it and not have less, on the contrary! For many of us, receiving is more difficult. If you are one of those people, try this from Lee Harris. This is one of my favourite meditations: You Are Love Dear Ones, give your hearts a chance, let it guide you! Whatever you tell yourself that is not based on love is not coming from your true voice. All love Brigitta Steven D. Farmer Earth Magic Oracle Cards