Two of Spring - Bright future ahead, partnerships, progress

This message for today couldn't be more appropriate :) I was wondering if a two card would show up for today and it sure did! It is not just any two card but Two of Spring on a 222 day :) Brilliant! The message is so wonderful that I'm just going to copy it. Here it goes.

All love


Two of Spring
You’re off to a wonderful start. It’s as if you have the whole world in your hands! Choices about the short-term future now appear, and the most important thing to remember is that it’s safe to take chances. If you had every possible resource at your disposal, what brave new steps would you take? Evaluate the situation, and then move forward quickly. Many more opportunities are on the way.
The possibility of forming a partnership with others may present itself. This can be a wonderful way to move mutual dreams forward as you encourage each other to continue to follow your passions. Just make sure that you’re truly on the same page with anyone you consider pairing up with.
Our two fairies have worked together to build a beautiful boat that is nearly finished. All they need do is install the purple butterfly sails, and their journey to magical Avalon will be successfully under way!
Additional meanings of this card: A bright future. Joint creative endeavors. Success through hard work. Great progress being made. Gay relationships or friendships. 

Doreen Virtue Radleigh Valentine Fairy Tarot Cards


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