
Showing posts from 2017

Far Far Away - Creative Daydreaming

Just one day before the New Moon in Libra this lovely card suggests to use the power of dreaming. Let your imagination roam freely. As they say "What you can imagine, you can create." Creative daydreaming is the birthplace of many new ideas which lead to inventions, artwork, new pojects or any unorthodox idea that brings a creative solution to your life. Before this New Moon make some unstructured time for a creative daydream. Ask for any guidance to bring that dream to life. All love Brigitta Lucy Cavendish: Wild Wisdom of the Farey Oracle


Today as I picked up pen and paper this little story came to me. Once upon a time there lived a girl and a boy. They knew each other from childhood. They loved one another. After some time it so happened that they grew distant. They got tired of each other. and the way they lived their life. They didn't know what, but they wanted something new. Something separate from the other, The way they were before. Before they knew each other. Before time. Before they were born as a woman and a man. When they were one. Innocent. Inseparable.So they went on different ways to rediscover the path. They gathered and gathered experiences until there was no more to have, to know, to find, to be. They didn't know what to do anymore. Loneliness engulfed them. They were missing each other. They become so complex, so vast and nobody to share it with. No one to rejoice in the knowing, in life. They longed for each other. They sensed the other and circled in endless loops until their path crossed...

Become the true you

I love this beautiful flower, it is the Waratah or Telopea, an Australian endemic small tree. You can use the picture to meditate on to help you with any insights or healing that you need to remember who you are truly. You are who you are, so this is more about shedding skins of yous that are not you. Letting go of false masks and any pretence. Why do we do that in the first place if everybody tells us that all we need is to be ourselves? I believe that we do everything for love. We depend on it more that food. We survive every withdrawal of love by believing that we are not good enough, done something wrong or we are not lovable. We give everything we can for love, even giving up on ourselves and trying to become something we are not so we'd be loved in exchange. It doesn't work. It can be painful. The return to our true self and the revelations we come across can be painful too but there is no other way. When you'll finish peeling away the layers of who you are not, y...

Abundantia - Prosperity

“The Universe is pouring its abundance out to you. Be open to receiving. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are very powerful, and I am here to support your growing power. It is right for you to receive this help, as we function as a team. I have heard your prayers, worries, and affirmations. I am pouring my cornucopia of prosperity upon you now, so expect unforeseen windfalls and gifts. Notice the new ideas, feelings, and visions within you. This guidance gives you clear direction about your actions to take in conjunction with my assistance. Together, we are unstoppable!” My personal experience helped me to realise that the key to prosperity is being open to it. Spirit guides us to what is the best for us and sometimes we need to be more open and more willing for that. What would you do from your heart? How would you live if you would follow your heart and would do more that you love to do? I know that we have to pay the bills but surely we can squeeze...

Queen of Summer

"The Queen of Summer is beautiful and serene. You enter her presence and a sense of calm envelops you. She radiates love and peace. The Queen also knows what you’re thinking! Extremely intuitive, she understands your heart better than you do. For that reason, she makes an outstanding counsellor, who can help you get clarity on whatever situation is troubling you.This Queen has a deep love for friends and family and will be there for you. In fact, she’s pretty  much there for everyone. Tenderhearted and charitable, she can give too much. For this reason, you may experience the Queen of Summer as an exhausted and cautious person. She has given a great deal and hasn’t always been given to in equal measure. She has experienced loss . . . and in that loss, she may have become wiser and more discerning about whom she lets in. The Queen stands in a field, surrounded by other fairies. The sunflowers indicate she can create happiness, which is why so many are vying for he...

New Partner

There is or there will be a new arrival into your life as Spirit works on your behalf in the background. Spirit is your partner too, though not new. However, there is more to that partnership if you are willing to leave more space for Spirit. This new partner may be a romantic one, someone who brings some kind of support into you life. For some of you it can be an animal as well. It is rather difficult to experience anything on our own as humans so we need partners, Be open to like minded and like hearted new arrivals into your life Dear Ones. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Daily Guidenace from your Angels

Focus Upon Your Strengths

Why should we focus on our strengths? Watch this: Plant experiment I don't know any better reason then what you can observe watching this short video. Please notice which plant suffers most! It makes it really plain how energy work. Negative attention is still attention and energy keeps things you don't want going. However, you want your strengths to flourish. What if all those perceived weaknesses are just fears that hold you back from shining your light. You don't need to believe what those fears tell you. If you find it difficult to acknowledge what your strengths are, ask your loved ones or friends. Think about the things that you love to do most and seem real easy for you. Perhaps you'll find your strengths there, you just don't consider them as such since they may seem natural to you. This is a message of encouragement, to walk tall and remember your power that comes from love. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Ascended Masters Oracle Cards

Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.

Here it is in full: "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." John 16:24 Can you believe it? This was the question that I heard today and I was wondering. Do I believe it that whatever I ask I'll receive in Divine timing? Well, I found that it was not so, even though I did experience it before. We may ask for anything, let's not limit that. Neither should you limit by not believing that it is possible. Anything is possible. Spirit always reminds me to ask more because we don't ask enough. Spirit and the Angels love to help, they enjoy to assist us.  There are so many ways to limit ourselves and our experience of joy. I'm not going to start writing a list. I just ask this one thing. Is there a limit in love? Think of your child or anybody else you love unconditionally with all your heart. Is there anything you wouldn't give? Spirits love for us is infinite, so please don't limi...
Volcano: “Pele (Pay-lay) is the goddess who lives on the Big Island of Hawaii, dwelling there in the craters of the active volcano Kilauea. She is considered passionate, volatile, and capricious, and is perhaps the best known of the panoply of Hawaiian deities. Since 1983, she has been sending ribbons of lava down the mountainside and into the sea, thereby creating new land. In this image we see her subtle visage in the spewing fire of the volcano. In ancient Hawaiian chants, Pele is described as “She who shapes the sacred land,” and it is from this magnificent and powerful goddess being and her periodic eruptions that new Earth is formed as the resulting lava merges with her sister, the goddess of the sea Na-maka-o-kaha’i (na-MA-ka-HO-ka-HI).The volatile and unpredictable nature of volcanic eruptions is widely known and in spite of science’s efforts at forecasting these blowups, they sometimes happen without warning. Whether the eruptions are slow and steady or violent an...

Anandalite - Cosmic Consciousness

The name of this beautiful Himalayan crystal comes from the Sanskrit word bliss, happiness, joy. We remember that. That is how it feels to be with Spirit, where we come from, who we truly are. These are your moments of joy when you completely loose yourself in a moment of bliss. Staring up in a vast clear blue sky, listening to your favourite song, marveling at your child laughing so hard that it craks you up too. It is funny how we struggle to get to that moment and yet it is so simple. If you feel completely lost in the swirl of your human life, please feel free to draw back for as long as you need. This cosmic consciousness is always help you remember where are you from, who is holding your hand and back too :) and who you are. If you have got a piece of this crystal you could sit holding it for a while taking in its vibrations or use this image to do that. Venture in there, its all in you. All love Brigitta Judy Hall Crystal Wisdom

Sonya brings a healing message from a deceased love one

Please know that your loved one is well and happy. Even if the knowing doesn't seem to bring comfort. Some of the pain may come from accusing, judging or blaming yourself. You need to know that there is only love there for you. GREAT LOVE! There is absolutely nothing - NOTHING - that you have or haven't done in the eyes of that love. Please, try and let that go since the only wish your loved one has for you is to be happy. If they had a difficult life, it is all the more reason for you to not follow in their footsteps. Please choose to be happy! “ A person will be called to account on Judgement Day for every permissible thing he might have enjoyed but did not.” The Talmud All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Messages from you Angels

The Qeen

As I look at this image she embodies the message we had yesterday just perfectly. Sitting on her throne gently and powerfully at the same time. Totally confident and relaxed. Here is the message of the card: "Fertility, beauty, female sexual energy, earthly pleasures, and friendships among women—the Queen summons you to bestow her gifts upon you so that you can revel in the beauty of life. The Queen appears to remind you of the importance of self-esteem, self-worth, and holding your head high. Now is the time to set boundaries with others with gentle authority, yet try not to be isolated from them in the process. The Queen knows how to delegate authority when she needs to. Summon your inner Queen and ask for what you need. The Queen also asks whether you’re having fun. Maybe you need to read a good book with a cup of cocoa, go to a spa, or make plans with your pals. Look after yourself and remember to nurture your friendships. The Queen knows that she needs allie...


Shimmer, shine, radiate, allure! Be confident! I am sure you too know people who can pull it off effortlessly, They just ooze it. They are charismatic and confident. How about we experiment and see if we cam pull it off too, Imagine that everything that you believed about yourself and what you believe other people think about you, you could just weave into a cloak. This cloak is weighing down heavily on your shoulders. Now feel the strength in your arms, the call for freedom running through your veins and throw off the cloak. Sorry, couldn't resist. :) Anyway, you get the idea. This glamour is not borrowed from fashion items, it is your very own unique light. You can draw this forth from within you. Channel your higher self, who you truly are. Whenever I focus my attention on my heart, affirm that I am one with Spirit, I notice that I breathe in deeper, I straighten myself and pull up to my full height. In any situation when you don't treat yourself befitting you...

Giving & Receiving

Do you like to give? I do :) Hmm, the sweet anticipation of how are they going to love and enjoy what they'll receive. Sharing their joy. It's bliss, isn't it? Guess what, it is exactly as joyful for others to give you. Spirit and the Angels love to give you too. Receiving is giving the joy of giving to someone else. If you feel a bit out of balance in giving and receiving, take a look at how does the flow of giving and receiving look like in your life. Do you feel frustrated because you just give to everyone and they don't return it? They may not be like you and they may never will be. Don't expect more from them then they can give. What they can't or don't do or give you is not about you. In this case you may bring in more balance by giving yourself more. I understand that we were taught that it is selfish but if you think about it, it is just common sense. If you just keep giving you'll have nothing left to give. This picture reminds me that we ar...

Best Friends

Wouldn't it be magical to have such a beautiful creature for a friend? I love this picture :) Dear Ones, did you feel alone lately or unheard or just in need of comforting? I think that it is one of the most satisfying, cosiest feeling to spend time with a really-really good friend. One that hears you, understands you, know you, so you don't need to pretend or explain anything, you can be just you. So if you think you could use some of that, there won't be a better time. Sometimes a get together is is not so easy to organise so please understand 'friend' in a broader way. Your Angels are always with you and love to hear from you and bring comfort to you. I am sure that many of you can feel it when they hug you so just ask for a nice warm one. I like to include our pets as friends. We can have a wonderful time together and communicate too. Reach our to you friends Dears! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards

Emotional Healing - Bleeding Heart

This flower is so beautiful :) May it bring you comfort and healing. Breathe in its vibrations even if you just look at the picture. Your heart is very strong! It can take more than you think. Let love heal you! Say it to yourself; "I let love help. " I find it helpful to remind myself that I am not my emotions. I experience them. I can feel anything. Dear Ones! It is time to heal. Let your pain be washed away by the cool light of the full moon coming up soon. Make some room for more love! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves Flower Therapy Oracle Cards

Ocean - Ebb and Flow

“The ebb and flow of Life is never more clearly represented than in the oceans’ movements. The tides of these great bodies of water rise and fall in regular rhythms, and the waves continue to roll to the shores in endless and varied patterns, just as they have been doing for millions of years and will continue to do so for millions more. These tides and waves maintain a relative predictability unless other unforeseeable forces of Nature intervene, which have been known to happen. Hurricanes and earthquakes, for instance, can have a dramatic effect on the characteristics of both tides and the waves. The oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth, and the human body averages a composition of 70 percent water. They dynamic gravitational interaction of the sun and moon that moves these massive bodies of water and creates the shifting tides also affects our human bodies in ways that we respond to instinctually, often having a great deal more influence over our moods and emotional sta...

Be positive beams this pretty in pink

Be positive! Hmmm. Any scraps on that bone left? Be positive is so common these days, that on our never ending search for something new and more exciting we forget about this golden oldie.  However, do we know anything better? I think not. :) Its the same with gratefulness; it may seem "boring" but it is the single most powerful manifesting tool you could possibly want. What I find interesting with being positive is that sometimes my want for more fuming about something or righteousness or wanting to be right or fixing the world is stronger than my want of feeling better. Although, that is what being positive does. It simply makes you feel better. You have the choice to seek and find the good side of anything. Choose a better feeling thought or just focus on a physical sensation. Give thanks for anything. That is where you have the power, everywhere else you are in quicksand. I believe the trick is making our want for feeling better stronger than anything else. All love...


The vibration of this beautiful Begonia helps to be at peace and be calm. Please don't feel neglected while you are waiting. You are always heard. Even the prayers you didn't utter are heard. Spirit and the Angels work on them diligently and tirelessly. Please remember, that they LOVE to do that. They more than love to help you, assist you and it doesn't matter what do you request. They love to hear from you. Please feel free to share any concerns, questions, etc. Spirit always tell me that we never ask enough or more than we should. On the contrary! So then - you may ask - why don't I see the results yet? Often the answer is Divine Timing. Yes, a lot of the time it is the mystery of the unfolding, Sometimes we settle for less or have issues with receiving. Please ask Spirit to help you release them. Patience or to put it simply, slowing down can help you with that. When we catch up with ourselves, with Nature, with Spirit, breathe in deeply, not hurrying anywhe...

Cleanse and Detoxify

is the daily guidance from the Angels. It is time to lighten up. Releasing everything that feels "heavy", anything that weighs you down. Remember, that you do this every time you draw in a fresh breath and exhale. So anything in that direction will be helpful, especially, if it is something you enjoy. Take a brisk walk in the fresh spring wind and contemplate; what can I do to support my soul, my body to feel enlightened and refreshed? Most of all Dear Ones, please be kind, gentle and loving to yourself! All love Brigitta PS: despite the title, I wouldn't call anything toxic, just something that you no longer need. It feels better. :) Doreen Virtue Daily Guidance from the Angels

You Are Healed - The healing you've prayed for is on its way

I believe that there is no healing in the Universe that I couldn't receive. Even if I practise a modality and I need something else, I know that SPIRIT will find a way to guide me to the healing I need or a doctor or a medication. It is all in SPIRIT and it doesn't matter what helps if it helps. In SPIRITs eye we are all perfect and whole. There was a time when I was residing in the bottom of a deep-deep dark hole and I felt desperate and wondered if this is ever going to heal? Then I heard Spirit whisper reassuringly that "There is enough love in the Universe." Dear Ones, in case its not healed yet, double the dose of love :) You may want to try this little exercise. Calm and centre yourself in your usual way and affirm; "I welcome in more love and light. I am open for more light and healing. I accept the healing." See how does that feel. If you feel any tension or that it is not so, ask Spirit to make you feel at ease, comfortable and safe and help you...

The Ocean calls

I was a grown up when I first saw the sea and it got me.:) I never get tired of watching the endless blue. It's healing power is unique. If you have a chance to visit, please do. If you wish to move there do it. Ask for assistance from Spirit and the Angels, However, there are other you ways to enjoy the ocean. You can watch videos or pictures, meditate or listen to the sounds of the ocean. Choose one and immerse yourseld in The Ocean. Let it heal you, see where it takes you! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Daily Guideance from your Angels

The Vegeterian card by the Fairies suggest

that you need some more gentle food. Easy to digest, full of nutrition and juices. Make it as vegeterian or vegan as it is good for you. The point is that it is fulfilling and light. It will take care of our bodies as well as our energies. It is great fun to commune with Nature and Earth through its produce, especially if it is something you grow for yourself. Eat yourself healthy and higly energized dear ones! All love Brigitta Ps: here is a funny one from Louis CK about what God gave us :) If God Came Back Doreen Virtue Magical Messages from the Fairies

Shower of Abundance

This spring is really starting well, don't you think? The image on this card is beautiful and a very lifelike image as well. That is how Spirit and our team of Angels wish to shower us with everything we wish and always better than that. I know that it is very often not what we experience. The most common thing I find that is in the way is our self-esteem,- confidence, - love, - appreciation issues. We don't believe that we are  worthy. Work with your guidance on that and it'll help to sort out abundance issues as a side effect :) The other simplest tool Spirit always reminds me to use is gratefulness. You don't need any special skills, or take any courses, read books, unravel secrets, etc and there is always something we can give thanks for. The difference can be felt in just a couple minutes. If you manage to make it and last as a habit you'll always feel content. Dear Ones, open your arms to accept the Shower of Abundace, don't be shy :) All love Br...

Two of Spring - Bright future ahead, partnerships, progress

This message for today couldn't be more appropriate :) I was wondering if a two card would show up for today and it sure did! It is not just any two card but Two of Spring on a 222 day :) Brilliant! The message is so wonderful that I'm just going to copy it. Here it goes. All love Brigitta Two of Spring You’re off to a wonderful start. It’s as if you have the whole world in your hands! Choices about the short-term future now appear, and the most important thing to remember is that it’s safe to take chances. If you had every possible resource at your disposal, what brave new steps would you take? Evaluate the situation, and then move forward quickly. Many more opportunities are on the way. The possibility of forming a partnership with others may present itself. This can be a wonderful  way to move mutual dreams forward as you encourage each other to continue to follow your passions. Just make sure that you’re truly on...

True Love is the message from Guinevere ....

.... which means that Love Is In The Air! Literally :) Love Is In the Air - Strictly Ballrom Oh and if you want to romance up your life a bit, treat yourself to watching the whole film. Soooo, back to the message, True Love. It may be a new one, stirring, just as nature awakes with new life from a long winter sleep. It may be one that you share with your partner and look at your love with fresh eyes and enjoy your intimacy. It may be that you enjoy your life on your own and treat yourself as a beloved. Bring it on :) As Love Actually ...... Is All Around! Love Actually All love Brigitta Ps: a bonus just for the sake of Guinevere :)  Arthur and Gwen from Merlin Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards

Banksia heralds a New Beginning

Actually, this is just perfect. isn't it? That is exactly, what trees, plants, flowers do right now. (In the northern hemispehere that is. ) I'm always amazed how new life grows from barren frozen ground or how dead looking trees come alive again. So it is time for us to start something new with fresh hopes, fill in a blank page with fresh creation. Good luck Everyone! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves Flower Therapy Oracle cards

Love .... Compassion

Your true self, your true nature, your essence is love. You can give so much of it and not have less, on the contrary! For many of us, receiving is more difficult. If you are one of those people, try this from Lee Harris. This is one of my favourite meditations: You Are Love Dear Ones, give your hearts a chance, let it guide you! Whatever you tell yourself that is not based on love is not coming from your true voice. All love Brigitta Steven D. Farmer Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Open Your Arms to Receiving

Nature rulez! :) Today I continue working with the Flower Therapy oracle cards. Koalas have a good taste, look at those gorgeous flowers, just as well they eat the leaves. :) So the message is that SPIRIT would like us to be more open to receiving. Easy as pie, you should think or is it? If you wish, you could try this little practice: settle comfortably, check in with your breathing and close your eyes. Imagine that a beautiful Light being, Angel, SPIRIT (as you wish) approaches you and has got everything that you've asked for and wishes to give it you. In fact, would very much love to shower you with it but with even more and bigger than you dared to dream. Now, open your arms, say thank you and take it. See how easy or difficult is it for you, does it create any tension or does it feel good. It was a huge learning for me and I often find this is the case with clients too, that we are not open or don't feel comfortable with receiving. The reason to that are infinite s...

Magic - Find the magic in the present moment

The thread we picked up yesterday continues with Magic and nature today. The Tree Affirmation cards draw insight from nature too, that is the Wisdom of the Standing People. The Horse Chestnut tree is the first one turning green in spring. (Soon! The birds are tweeting it :) ) Its candle like flowers in spring, the tiny green chestnuts in summer and the the ripe shiny brown ones in autumn are a delight in every season. The affirmation is "I perceive the magic in ordinary things and in the present moment". Let's discover our ability to notice and enjoy magic anywhere. Nature is rich with magic even in a big city and is easy to find. I live near a creek, its banks are covered with ice. Yet, the ducks don't leave and happily duck under the freezing water. There is something beautiful in every season. All love Brigitta Victoria Sofia Lewis: Wisdom from the Standing People - Tree Affirmation Cards

Dreamtime - Creation

This is one my favourite decks. I believe that we can learn a great deal from nature.  When I work with SPIRIT I often get the insight that one of the most beautiful, insightful, intimate way of experiencing our connection with SPIRIT is when we create. We get lost in our creation and feel exuberant joy. It reminds us on the joy SPIRIT felt when created us. It doesn't matter what it is as long as you do it. Try to let go of any agenda as much as you can and do it for your own joy. It is soul food, All love Brigitta Dreamtime Creation, from the Earth Magic Oracle Card deck, by Stephen D Farmer “For the Aborigines of Australia, the dreamtime is a place before time and outside of time with which ancestral spirit beings came to Earth and gave all of Life its form. Once the work was done, these spirits remained in the very forms they created – including the animals, hills, stars, and other features of the land – and continue to be present today. The dreamtime is an ind...

Use Positive Affirmations is the magical message from the Fairies

Why? Because it is you magic wand, that's why :) Affirmations work in so many ways and levels. However, why do I believe it is a magic wand? - by affirming what you want you set your intention - it makes you focus on something positive - it makes you focus on what you want - the way you want something to unfold rather then something you wish to avoid - you communicate to SPIRIT and the Angels what you wish and what you'd like them to support you. Affirmations help you to remember that you are a powerful creator being and every creation starts with setting your intention. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue: Magical Messages from the Fairies

New Idea - Crab Apple

"Your new idea is Divinely guided and is meant to be shared with others. Continue to work on it, as you are on the right path." Sometimes we realize it, sometimes not but many of our ideas our Divinely inspired. It may be new or an old one that keeps coming back and we just haven't had the courage, confidence or resolve to act upon it. Whatever it is, hang on to it, keep working on it. Any small step, time spent on it, etc. matters. This is a message of encouragment and support! All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves: Flower Therapy Oracle cards

Listen to Your True Feelings

"Don't let others - YOURSELF - talk you into doing something that you know - FEEL - that is wrong - DOESN'T FEEL GOOD or YOU DON'T WANT TO DO IT." ('In capital' addition from me) The number of times our feelings, hunches proved right in hindssight and we wished we listened to them. (Big sigh :) ) This message encourages us to do that more. It is a true indicator of what we should do. Many say that good decisions never come from fear and usually, when we don't listen to those nagging feelings, there is an underlying fear. Our true feelings steer us to what is good for us, preferably in the long term. A decision may seem an "easy" one in the short term since it allows us to avoid conflicts but it only makes it longer and harder to get to the inevitable. When our motives come from fears and we try to please others, it means we are dishonest with ourselves as well as with others. That is not kindness even if our argument is that we do not wan...