
Showing posts from 2015

It is interesting to get the card of the New Moon

just before a Full Moon and a lunar eclipse as well but it is the Moon none the less and it's message is PROMISE. So we may use the Full Moon energy as a preparation for the manifestation that the next phase of the Moon will bring. It is a good time for coming to the final phase of a project that you've been working on for a long time or mafesting your wishes and desires with Angelic help.When it comes to desires and wishes keep your standards high or in other words, DREAM BIG! Spirit and the Angels want the very best for you all! Use this picture and see what PROMISE holds for you. All love Brigitta Steven D. Farmer - Earth Magic Oracle Cards

Archangel Gabriel calls you to Leadership

There are many ways to lead. It is always best to do so with your example since you can't learn somebody elses's lesson for them but you can show them the way. Estimate highly the power of a good example as it can be the beacon for so many people. For some of you it may mean to take back the leadership of your own life. God gave you the power, the strength and the means to do it. If you doubt it, think of times when you helped others in your life, maybe it is time to do the same for yourself and accept the Divine support to do so. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue Archangel Oracle cards

New home, new love?

Or a renewal, a new sense of what is. The Ace of Water is a perfect companion for the New Moon in Leo with the Sun and the Moon standing together. You may also want to do some planning as the Moon moves into Virgo. If you've been through a difficult phase in your life then this is what awaits you as you surface. Delve deep into your intuitive feelings and allow your love life to heal. All love Brigitta Doreen Virtue - Radleigh Valentine Angel Tarot Cards

Emotional healing with the help of the Bleeding Heart

Many times we shut down the very thing that can heal us, our hearts when we experience painful situations. This may "protect" us from more wounds but the time comes when we are ready to let those old wounds heal. There is enough LOVE in the Universe to heal it as we are meant to be healthy and loving. Do your best to allow the healing. You can also use this picture or the real flower to assist you with vibrational healing or meditate on it. All love Brigitta Flower Therapy by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves

The busy Bumble Bee

says Trust! The earthy vibrations of the Bumble Bee Jasper help you to heal your doubts and bring to life what you visualize for yourself. Dare to be the leader of your life, as it is a good sign of prosperity and opportunities. All love Brigitta Bumble Bee Jasper Photo copyright Michael Illas, from The Crystal Wisdom Oracle by Judy Hall

In case you were wondering

the Fairies say to all of you Spiritual Teachers, Counselors out there that you have a purpose and you can make a difference by teaching, counselling others in your own unique way. It doesn't have to be a profession or a carreer, there are many ways to share guidance and love. Take the steps you are guided to take as it is a good time for that. You may find that being in nature helps you to get clarity and guidance. All  love Brigitta Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue

Today's message is presented by Kuthumi

from the Ascended Masters oracle cards by Doreen Virtue. Stay Focused for focusing on what matters to you keep those things growing and helps you achieve what you want. Focusing is like throwing a lasso of your intention (your energies, thoughts) around your target and pulls it to you. There are many things demanding our attention and time so it is easy to get lost. Just remember this fantastic tool that you have and set aside time for your projects. All love, Brigitta

Todays message gallops

As it is The Horse from the Wisom of Avalon Oracle cards by Colette Baron Reid. Literally, a great sidekick to people reminding us that we are not alone. We can get help, support, assistance though we may not feel comfortable to ask or even accept it when offered. Those of you who go out of your way to give it's time to receive help. It may give a jolly kick to your week. :) All love, Brigitta

Today's message arrives on wings.

The Eagle (from Earth Magic oracle cards) brings the message of Communion. We are all different forms of the same Life Force. If you are drawn to an animal, plant or any other living creature in nature you may experience how the same life flows through you. Love Brigitta