
Showing posts from July, 2015

Emotional healing with the help of the Bleeding Heart

Many times we shut down the very thing that can heal us, our hearts when we experience painful situations. This may "protect" us from more wounds but the time comes when we are ready to let those old wounds heal. There is enough LOVE in the Universe to heal it as we are meant to be healthy and loving. Do your best to allow the healing. You can also use this picture or the real flower to assist you with vibrational healing or meditate on it. All love Brigitta Flower Therapy by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves

The busy Bumble Bee

says Trust! The earthy vibrations of the Bumble Bee Jasper help you to heal your doubts and bring to life what you visualize for yourself. Dare to be the leader of your life, as it is a good sign of prosperity and opportunities. All love Brigitta Bumble Bee Jasper Photo copyright Michael Illas, from The Crystal Wisdom Oracle by Judy Hall

In case you were wondering

the Fairies say to all of you Spiritual Teachers, Counselors out there that you have a purpose and you can make a difference by teaching, counselling others in your own unique way. It doesn't have to be a profession or a carreer, there are many ways to share guidance and love. Take the steps you are guided to take as it is a good time for that. You may find that being in nature helps you to get clarity and guidance. All  love Brigitta Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue